Sunday, September 28, 2008

Critical Approaches

Critical Approaches to Media Texts:

Students should be taught a variety of critical stances and approaches they can take to analyzing media texts. The prominent approaches to such critiques are rhetorical/audience, semiotic, poststructuralist, critical discourse analysis, psychoanalytic, feminist, postmodern and postcolonial. Each critique brings new light to the media text that students are examining.
The first approach investigates how media texts use language, images and signs in relation to the audience, in which case is used to adopt certain responses or beliefs. This approach uses audiences as active participants in part of symbolic or imagined communities within the media text. Another part of this approach is how audiences are socialized by the media and may prefer that the media are safe and perhaps predictable. One example give from Richard Beacher’s book A Web-Linked Guide to Resources and Activities is the media’s portrayal of the invasion of Iraq and the little information from the media given about civilian causalities.
The next approach to analyzing media texts is the semiotic approach. This approach analyzes the social and cultural meaning of signs and codes. One of the key aspects of this approach is that meanings of these signs are cultural and therefore can change depending on the cultural context. Audiences of that specific culture will be able to draw together the cultural contexts from analyzing the codes and signs. One example might be that when most drivers in the United States see a sign or light that is red they more often than not refer to it as a sign to stop where as in another part of the world it may not mean stop.
Taking the postructuralist approach requires that the students examine how language is put into categories and then is influences audience’s perceptions. It examines opposites as simplistic categorizations of the characters of the media texts. Students would study opposites such as male and female but also good/evil and real/artificial. Students would note the contradictions and how these affect the performance and context of the media content that they are studying. An example of this would be to have students analyze and discuss the males and females in a certain movie such as There will be Blood.
Critical discourse analysis deals with the larger ideological perspectives that shape the world. Discourse is what is normal in the social world. Two major discourses discussed are class and race. A major part of the discourse of race deals with Marxism and “ how discourses of class serve to define the meaning of social practices or artifacts as class markers and to maintain or challenge” (Beacher 36). The idea of working-class and middle-class and identifying them in media texts is important to this approach along with the message as to why and how the director or creator is showing these specific classes in those ways. The discourse of race works similar to the discourse of class only it relates to race. An example that could depict both race and class would be the movie with Hilary Swank called Freedom Writers, which deals with a white woman teacher in an urban neighborhood.
The psychoanalytic approach is influenced by subconscious desires, wants, needs, and fears in which define one’s identity. A way to describe psychoanalytic thought in media texts would be how underlying themes recur throughout the media, students can discuss subconscious fears and desires and how they affect the characters and how and why they are there in the first place. An example of applying psychoanalytic lenses would be to analyze a Simpson’s episode and have the students dissect the character’s actions and how they are shaped by their desires, fantasies, and fears.
Feminist media criticism relates to not only how women are portrayed in media contexts but also how males and gender in general are perceived. New ideas on feminism is and gender all together, is fluid and free-floating rather than being defined to a body. An example of this could be to have the students analyze a movie and discuss how gender and women are portrayed and the message the director or producer is trying to give away.
Postmodern analysis challenges the modernist’s “master narratives” that are connected to truth and art. The postmodern analysis debunks the idea that these narratives will lead to greater life happiness. This approach deals a lot with media and reality and whether or not media constructs its own reality. An example of this would be to have the students watch postmodern films such as Pulp Fiction and have them discuss the role the nature of the events in the plot.
The last approach discussed is postcolonial, which examines the imperialist views of third world countries in literature and media texts. Imperialism plays a large role and history of European countries and dominance. Colonial power and its affects on the country are important concepts. Especially important today because of the large influence of international community. An example of this would be reading a book or watching a movie about colonism.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Scene Analysis

The scene I am going to analyze from Law and Order and is a scene with one of the lawyers Serena. It deals with an American jihad courtroom. A man is on trial and the prosecuting lawyer Serena is asking him questions. The scene begins with a middle distant front shot of Serena asking the man questions. The shot quickly switches from Serena to the man and back to Serena and then once again back to the man on the stand. As Serena intensely starts to question the Muslim man the shot shows him from behind her, showing the back of her head but focusing on the man.
The questioning and talk between the two gains bigger tension the shot moves closer to the man’s face while he points his finger and raises his voice. At the very end of the scene the shot solely focuses on the man staring back at Serena. The shot sequences in this scene are relatively simple they go back and forth between Serena and the man she is trying and then at the end, at the most intense parts the scene zooms in on the man’s face.
The sound is also a key part of the Law and Order. As questions of the murder the man is accused grow more suspenseful the music begins to grow louder with what seems to be louder and almost creates a very intense background to enhance the dramazation of the exchange between the Serena and the man. The lighting of the scene also remains the same throughout the interview.
The key to this scene is the use of how the music increases as the tension and significance of the questions increases and the switching between the up-close shots of Serena and the man. Serena has an important part where she asks the man; “ so whoever actually pulled the trigger would be the true slave to Allah and should be honored to accept the consequences of that act, is that correct?” and then the man shakes his head yes, and then Serena states, “yet you keep denying it, is that because you’re scared.” It is at this time point that the music is loud and the shot is clearly focused on Serena’s face.
The use of the up-close shots and increasing music are dramatize the importance of this entire scene, the scene is very effective in building suspense and hyping up the most important of the show.
In my classroom I would show different clips of the same scene and compare and contrast the different techniques and would ask my students why do you think the producers of each clip did what they did. I would also ask my students to discuss how these different clips of the same scene produce different effects on the viewer. For example, what are the effects of close-up shots and long shots, and which do they think is better for what scenes. I also would like to discuss with my students the importance of audience positioning and lighting, which were key to my scene described above. Identifying the purposes for why producers and directors choose the scenes and other film techniques is key for students to use and transfer their “developing visual literacy analysis skills that will transfer to their analysis of film techniques” (Beacher 22).
It is also important for my students to know the terms and definitions of the different types of film techniques and having being able to correctly identify them when they see them. I would encourage my students to do a project where they create their own video and then have them explain how and why they used the techniques that they did.

Shot by Shot Analysis

Shot Analysis: CI 5472

Allstate Ad w/Jason Wade song from Lifehouse and Dennis Ha.


Shot Description Shot Analysis
The first shot shows a desert road in the plains with hills in the background It is here that the Lifehouse song « From Where You Are » starts playing. This song is melodramatic and gives the sense of calm yet intense emotions.
The commercial then goes straight into showing cars driving on a desolate road with a dark skyline with clouds. The tone is very mellow and almost sad and shows life driving by us as people.
The next scene shows a woman in a passenger seat reaching out towards the sky window in the car and it has the sun shining in and the scene is shot from behind her. It shows a happy woman because it shows how good life can be, and since the ad is done by a car insurance ad it shows that life is very precious.
Here the shot goes back to a side view of various cars driving in the country It is important to go along the theme of life is a journey along the road, which is the reason why there are many seasons of cars driving along the road of life.
Shows a convertible with four passengers laughing-two teen girls in the passenger seat taking pictures on their cell phone. The ad is about teenagers driving safely so the ad wants to depict teens having fun and enjoying life.
Close-up of two young teen girls taking pictures of themselves on their cell phone The purpose again is to show the appreciation of young life.
Screen quickly for about half a second goes white as in blank like a flash out of a camera. This gives the ad an edge and acts like a camera taking a picture into the glimpse of one’s life.
The same girls in backseat laughing in the convertible taking pictures and giving the peace sign Teens having fun while driving and riding.
Goes back to cars driving on the road in the country with the dark cloudy sky. Showing again the road of life.
Young man in backseat with seatbelt wearing a yellow soccer jersey tossing a soccer ball up and down Shows friends riding in the car on the way home from a soccer game enhancing the idea of family and friends and the road of life.
Teenagers in yellow soccer jerseys as the same as above giving each other high-fives from backseat to front seat Shows friends and family enjoying life in a safe car protected by Allstate insurance.
The shot quickly goes back to teen tossing soccer ball in the backseat-shot slows down More of the importance of protecting family with proper car insurance.
Far distant-cloudy skies car driving on the road from far away The dark skyline adds to the drama of having important car insurance.
Shows from passenger side view mirror the reflection of a young woman smiling. This also shows that it is also family and young people that also need to be protected not just teens.
Shows young man driving with girlfriend/wife looking happy and smiling as he is driving. Again, same as above the family needs to be protected by the proper car insurance.
Goes back to hilly front view of cars driving with headlights on and it is dark with very cloudy skies The transition between family and the scenery adds suspense and drama to the idea of getting Allstate car insurance.
Very quick view of half a second top of car with some sort of sporting equipment. Adds to the importance of family life.
Family side picture inside vehicle with man and woman laughing with dog in backseat. Again, adds to the importance of family life and being able to drive safely with no worries.
Gives to front view of family/friends laughing and driving on the road Shows the importance of being able to drive safely with your family.
View goes to road of cars driving really fast. Adds to the excitement of driving while still being secure in case of an accident.
Quickly switches to front view of road with all different types of vehicles Also, add to the excitement of driving.
Quickly from back side of all vehicles driving-skyline dark hills in front. Adds to the drama and suspense of driving.
Two boys around the age of ten, one with a headset on his shoulders, smiling pretending to play the drums with hand gestures. Like earlier when they showed two girls having fun they show two boys having fun and relaxing while driving.
Quick flash of light like previously in shot seven. Adds to the idea of life and adds a variation in the feel of the ad.
Goes to the same boys only different views and this is a from view with them dancing with hand gestures. Shows the happiness and peacefulness of being able to drive safely.
Same boys dancing with upper body and singing Shows the happiness and peacefulness of being able to drive safely.
Shows one of the boys resting his head while he sleeps on the other boy’s shoulder. Shows how the family can be happy and can rest and depend on each other while being safe in an Allstate car insurance.
Goes to windy road distant view of cars on the road- the scenery is still the Midwest look with plains and some hills and it is still dark. Shows the road of life, which is one of themes in this commercial.
Quickly goes to fast view of cars racing by Racing through life
View of cars driving in the hills from back angle and go until the edge of the screen. Using the theme that cars gets you from one place in life to another and with proper car insurance you can be safe.
Shows thunder lightening while cars are driving by and this angle is from the front side. Using the same theme of going through life and the idea of life on the road and being secure with your car insurance.
Close up of guy driving and the river being able to look out his back window (like in a truck) at the other vehicles drive behind him. The shot slowly moves to the face of the driver but he is not smiling but looking ahead with a curious look. With this close up it shows that there is something important coming up and then the man speaking on the commercial begins talking within the next few shots with the main message of the commercial.
Shot zooms in on the guy’s hand that are on the steering wheel. As the shot zooms in on the guy’s hand the speakers of the commercial begins to speak “Every year nearly 6,000 teenagers go out for a drive and never come back” The close up of the teen driving shows the importance of the teen safety driving. The man speaking states the fact about the number of teen deaths/accidents and states that parents should be careful and the close up adds to the tension and significance of proper car insurance for your teen
While the man is speaking, the shot shows a young man driving.
Shows front angled view of cars driving along the road-cars are a bit blurred and then as they continue talking, the visions of the cars clear up. This shows that choosing Allstate as your car insurance makes things a lot clearer in your life.
The shot is looking up at the cars as they go driving by. There are dark skies as the cars drive, there is also some flashing light for about a second or two. The cars show life on the road and how cars get you from one place in one’s life to another place in one’s life.
Shows three girls in the backseat laughing and talking. As the speaker says, “never comes back” the shot is angled up to a young girls face with the closest one then the middle one and the girl on the far right is at the center of the shot. Shows how good life can be and how much life young teens have so they should be very safe while driving especially with Allstate insurance.
The song playing in the background becomes more prominent as it sings “I’ll miss all the little things” the shot shows the same car with the same girls with the previous girls that was the center of the previous shot looking out the back window as the car drives away-and the men is speaking, “just talking to them can change that” as the car drives away lifehouse sings “ I never thought that they would mean everything to me, yeah I miss you” as the shot changes. Shows a cute young girl who is riding in a car and the ad shows that with the amount of teens that die while driving don’t let it be your teen and the song lyrics at this time are also sad.
The screen changes to all black except in white it states in the center of the screen “Start the Conversation” first it is dull and then it brightens up Talks about parents and teens talking about driving safely.
The screen is still black but then in blue the Allstate symbol appears along with Parent-Teen Driving Contract-Call an Allstate Agent-and then there is singing that says, “I wish you were here” Talks about the deal that Allstate offers and how important it is to keep the teenagers alive and safe while driving.
The Allstate and Parent-Teen Driving Contract stays the same but at the bottom is states Gives Allstate the chance to state where to find their information about their offer online.
The statement stays the same at the bottom but the Allstate symbol appears with big letters Allstate You’re in Good Hands appears. This is showing the important motto of Allstate and what the ad is about.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Justifying Media Study Curriculum

I plan to teach high school English. There are many benefits to teaching and incorporating media studies into our curriculum. My school does not believe that media studies should be studied separately but rather incorporated into the already established curriculum. The school does not recommend or promote the use of studying media studies unless it is used to enhance the lesson plan. Since my school district is under a lot of pressure to return to the basics of education, there is not a lot of emphasis on studying or becoming familiarized with the media. The media is viewed as a distraction to schoolwork and rather than working with it and using it in the classroom.
I would like to provide a framework for my justification for why media studies and literacies should be promoted in the classroom. The content of my curriculum would not only satisfy what should be covered by the English standards but also use the Internet options such as blogs and online instant communication to increase participation and better understanding of the texts that we would be reading at the time. For one example, lets say we were studying To Kill a Mockingbird I would have my students research online articles about the book and perhaps to why it is so popular yet controversial. The Internet, if used in the right way, can be a very useful tool in doing research and creating more discussion about the topics that I would be teaching. I would also have my students talk online once a week, since some students are shy in class they might be more talkative while chatting online in the privacy of their own home.
Providing media in and out of the classroom would benefit the students. Understanding the course content is one of the most important aspects of the student’s education. This understanding can be brought about through other ways besides basic lecturing. The idea of media will not go away therefore instead of being afraid to use teachers and students to use it to their advantage. Using clips from youtube about the book or the author would offer different perspectives about the topic in which we are discussing. Giving the students various forms of information not only keeps their attention but in light that the number of hours outside of school that students spend on television and the internet is significantly increasing. Adding these types of tools increases the student’s attention in class and would help them better learn and want to learn.
One of the departments that deserve more attention is the language arts. Basic grammar and learning of other languages is important. In a world that is becoming more international everyday it is important that students learn another language besides English. Language and basic writing skills is very crucial to any job and deserves more time in the curriculum. There are many amazing ways that the internet can be used to help students learn English and another foreign language. One example of incorporating media and foreign language is using programs on the computer to automatically correct sentence structures of students after they type on the computer and having them listen and repeat it. One of the most beneficial arguments for using media and media studies is that the media is not going away anytime soon, and although it is very crucial that students are able to do the basics of reading and writing it is just as important to stay up to date and use new ways to communicate and develop student’s education. It is important for all departments of the student’s education to stay up to date and get the proper amount of curriculum time.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

CI First Paper

My informal response is about videos one and four and chapter one of the classroom textbook. While reading the first chapter and watching the videos there were many ideas and things that came up in my mind. The chapter brought up a much more serious and real issue of media literacy within education. The chapter listed many useful and good reasons why the use of the media is so crucial to the education system, both for teachers and students. The chapter helped me to better understand media literacy in detail rather than a brief overview. The video clips also provided me with a more visual approach to media problems and useful ways to use the media.
As I watched the video clips, the one of the voter involvement and the other one with the media issues, I realized that there are many different ways that people can use media and what effect it has on our daily lives. The first one with the two young men getting people involved with the 2004 election has various ideas that it is portraying. The first thing that ran through my mind was how people get use the media to inspire other people to do things such as vote. The young men in the video were trying to get different sides of the political spectrum and young people involved in the election. By interviewing the different politicians the people were using the media to show that politicians are normal people too. The idea of choice versus chance was also important I thought along with music. The different cultures coming together to recognize either their similarities or differences and how they used the media to do it was important and I think is one of the most important factors of media. I agree with this video and think it important that people are involved with issues. The rap music especially was noted to go along with a specific culture of African Americans and the idea of knowing the politicians and making informed decisions.
The second video that I watched was not actually real people but cartoon-like people. I think that this video showed an important message of frustration and lack of control that young people might feel by the media. The video portrayed high school students and even at that young of age should get involved in current issues that affect them. One of the key things that stood out to me the most while watching the video was a few times the camera would zoom in for about two or three seconds on a pair of lips talking. I thought this was pretty neat and a subtle hint of the main idea that talking about issues is crucial to creating a better society. Media is one of the most popular ways to communicate with people besides actually physically talking. I agree that is video is a good example of how students can stand up if they are misrepresented and how frustrated they might feel if the media displays them in a wrong view that they do not agree with.
One thing that I did notice quite about it was how important the role of music was in both of these videos. I agree that playing certain types of music affect a specific group of people. The videos played music for young adults rather than older adults; both videos were targeting young people to get them involved. The music, the narrowing in on the lips, and the interviewing of politician gave me a positive response to the videos, they made me want to watch other videos similar to those. I personally feel that through my background that getting involved with not only political issues but other community issues as well is important, I feel that the more you get your voice heard the better off you will be. If you do not get involved then you cannot complain, being educated about media issues or even using the media to portray your message is vital to improving education and society itself.