Please watch this video as an introduction!!
This is an interactive blog site in which you can read about a current topic in Media Popular Culture.As you are going through and reading the different blogs think about how this affects you personally. How do these issues relate to your life and what you go through everyday? Do you stop and think about some of these issues? How is the media shaping our culture? Or does our culture shape the media? You can use this site to post your thoughts, feelings, reactions in response to the blogs along with a short written assignment for each topic.
For the purposes of this class only focus on the pages on the top of the page: Vampirism, Fashion/Popular Culture, Toys:Social Impact and Video Games and Education.You may also post different links that are dealing with the same topic to share with your classmates. I hope you enjoy reading and responding to the blogs and responding to each other's blogs!!
While reading the Vampirism blog be thinking critically about past and present representations of monsters in popular culture and what this exactly is saying about the time period. For this blog you will be answering brief discussion questions.
For the Fashion/Popular Culture I want you to be focusing on how these clothes affects students' emotions and social interactions. Part of the assignment for this section will be to write a description of the types of clothes you wear and why you choose to wear them, how do you think this affects you and your peers. Also, briefly describe what type of clothes you would design if you could have your own clothing line, how would you advertise? Who would model your clothes? Write a brief statement as the CEO of your new clothing line. You can also add pictures of the types of clothes you would design.
Everyone had favorite toys growing up, I would like you to think about these toys and if they impacted you at all, such as feeling a certain way when you played with them or how you would interact with your peers while playing with them. I would like you to write an advertisement for your favorite toy growing up and the social benefits this toy may have on the child.
Video Games are reaching a new peak in popularity. Think about when you played video games when you were younger, or if you did not why not. I would like you to think about the different gaming dynamics now compared to when you were younger or in the days of pac man. Do you think that playing video games can help students learn in a classroom. I would like you to write a brief statement on whether or not you agree that certain games should be allowed in the classroom as mechanisms for learning. Give reasons from the articles and videos to support your answers also had in your own personal experiences with video games, have they ever helped your learning?
For the purposes of this class only focus on the pages on the top of the page: Vampirism, Fashion/Popular Culture, Toys:Social Impact and Video Games and Education.You may also post different links that are dealing with the same topic to share with your classmates. I hope you enjoy reading and responding to the blogs and responding to each other's blogs!!
While reading the Vampirism blog be thinking critically about past and present representations of monsters in popular culture and what this exactly is saying about the time period. For this blog you will be answering brief discussion questions.
For the Fashion/Popular Culture I want you to be focusing on how these clothes affects students' emotions and social interactions. Part of the assignment for this section will be to write a description of the types of clothes you wear and why you choose to wear them, how do you think this affects you and your peers. Also, briefly describe what type of clothes you would design if you could have your own clothing line, how would you advertise? Who would model your clothes? Write a brief statement as the CEO of your new clothing line. You can also add pictures of the types of clothes you would design.

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